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National Standards can be classified based on whether they are conceptual, rule based or value based:
- Principles - The defining characteristic of a principle document is that it is conceptual. It describes a target state or end goal without specifying how it will be achieved.
- Guidance/Policies/Standards - The defining characteristic of guidance, policies and standards are that they are rule based. The document specifies the rules to be applied to achieve a particular state.
- Technical Reference Templates - The defining characteristic of a template is that it is value based. It specifies exactly the values that must be used.
National Standards graded 4Pol are standards which meet the below criteria and should be considered first, before any other standard in that category, as they fit the National Policing Digital Strategy allowing forces and suppliers to converge on a single set of standards.
4Pol Criteria:
- Support minimum legal requirements where they exist
- Align with the National Policing Digital Strategy to ensure strategic alignment and design
- Align with the TechUK Justice & Emergency Services Interoperability Charter to deliver better data sharing, exchanging and exploitation
- Direct relevance and applicability to policing
- Represent best practice
- Able to be measured and achieved within the unique landscape of policing
National Standards graded MLR stem directly from legislative requirements, such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) standards. These are National Standards which represent the minimum requirements to ensure that data and technology in use is operated in a lawfully compliant manner. These should be considered the baseline in applicable categories.
National Standards are divided into broad categories based on their focus. To recognise there is no clear dividing line, some National Standards may possess two categories, but the selected category reflects the primary focus of the National Standard:
- Analytics - Digital systems capable of creating actionable information from structured or unstructured data
- Asset Management - The way in which IT assets are acquired, used and disposed of
- Incident, Crime and Records Management Systems
- Digital systems used to manage policing and corporate records
- Cloud - Remote, off-premises computer system resources which host a range of functions across a potentially wide range of distributed sites
- Data - Information held in a structured or unstructured digital format
- Devices - Physical devices capable of viewing, changing, creating, distributing or storing digital information
- Digital Media - Media stored in an electronic format from any source
- Enterprise Resource Planning - Enterprise resource planning (ERP) is the management of integrated business processes via a software solution
- Forensics - The use of investigative technology and methodology to gather intelligence and admissible evidence
- Intelligence Systems - Digital system used to view, change, create, distribute or store sensitive digital information
- Justice - Systems, technologies and methodologies used within the Criminal Justice System
- Mobility - Software specifically designed to run on a mobile device such as a phone, tablet or watch
- Office Productivity & Collaboration Systems - Software specifically designed to address specific business needs such as communication, collaboration, document creation and content management
- Operational Policing - Specialist operational policing functions
- Security - The technology and methodology used in the protection of digital assets and services
Tags are assigned to National Standards to help users find grouped / related documentation
Frontline Digital Mobility - Portable Hotspots
Portable hotspots are a tried and tested peripheral. Advances continue to make them faster, better and smaller. There are many types of portable hotspots available in the market place with many variances in terms of specification, features and of course price. This guideline explores these variances and makes recommendations (see section 4. Recommendations, page 3) to help forces make informed selections to accelerate their mobility maturity.
Frontline Digital Mobility - Portable Power Banks
Portable power banks are a tried and tested peripheral. Advances continue to be made to make them faster, better and smaller. Yet there are many types of power banks available in the market place with many variances in terms of specification, features and of course price. This guideline explores these variances and makes recommendations (see section 4. Recommendations, page 3) to help forces make informed selections so as to accelerate their mobility maturity.
Frontline Digital Mobility - Laptop shells
A laptop shell is simply a laptop with no internal computing power, this is provided by connecting a smartphone to the laptop, which is then 'driven' by the keyboard, mouse and screen of the laptop 'shell'.
This guideline looks at the variances in terms of specification, features and price between the laptop shells currently available for pre-order. It explores the capabilities that a connected premium smartphone must have, such as DisplayPort and an appropriate “desktop mode”. Finally recommendations are made for forces who wish to be early adopters of this still immature technology (see section 4. Recommendations, page 4).
NPCC Digital Imaging and Multimedia Procedure (Version 3)
This document covers digital multimedia, inclusive of picture, video and audio in the proper capture and handling of digital data for police applications. This represents best practice to benefit the Police Service and Criminal Justice System (CJS).
Following the process set out within this document helps enhance the integrity of proper evidential gathering processes whilst reducing the risk of malicious manipulation.
National Standard for Incident Recording
This document contains the National Incident Category List (NICL) and the principles, guidance and definitions for the National Standard for Incident Recording (NSIR). NSIR was introduced to replace the wide variety of incident recording (and non-recording) that differed from force to force so that common understanding and recording practices would result in effective data provision and use. NSIR now supports effective recording of over 80% of calls
for service, ranging from messages to major incidents.
The NPIA conducted a full review of NSIR in 2009 on behalf of ACPO. This review recommended that NSIR was rationalised and simplified. The NPIA, working closely with the Home Office and Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary (HMIC), have moved the focus of NSIR from incident recording to risk
assessment at the front end of service delivery. This aims to support improved identification and management of risks, threats to safety, vulnerability and repeat victims, particularly in relation to anti-social behaviour (ASB).
This document was reviewed by the National Standard Assurance Board in September 2021 and was found to be the most up to date document available, still supported by the NPCC
ALGOCARE - Algorithm assessment tool
ALGO-CARE has been created for policing to use as a decision-making framework for the deployment of algorithmic assessment tools in the policing context. This helps translate key public law and human rights principles into practical considerations and guidance that can be addressed by public sector bodies. Concerns around transparency and accountability cannot be addressed by a one-size-fits-all approach. The factors identified by Algo-care necessitate the careful drafting of procurement contracts with third party software suppliers to require disclosure of algorithmic workings in a way that would facilitate investigation.
ALGO-CARE is endorsed by the NPCC Business Change Council and the NPCC lead for Data Analytics. This was reviewed in September 2021 and found to still be current.
Digital Processing Notices (NPCC extraction of digital content from devices guidance)
These Digical Processing Notices (DPN) provide the basis for the minimum recommended level of information to be both captured and provided to victims, witnesses and suspects by police forces. These forms replace those issued in 2019, to better implement the principles set out in the 2020 Bater-James ruling.
- DPNa - Devices taken from victims/witnesses (capture template and information for victims/witnesses)
- DPNb - Victim/witness Frequently Asked Questions (Information for victims/witnesses)
- DPNc - Devices taken from suspects (capture template and information for suspects
The guidance at the end of each section is particularly relevant on how to best implement these requirements into a solution.
Joint Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) & Police Principles for Redaction
This document contains the agreed principles for redaction of information from digital (and physical) material by police for legal or security reasons. Material includes statements, documentary exhibits, audio and video recordings, digital material, and other sources of information such as crime reports.
Effective redaction allows police and CPS to share and serve relevant information whilst complying with the Data Protection Act 2018 (DPA) and the Criminal Procedure and Investigation Act 1996 (CPIA 1996) / CPIA Code of Practice (CPIA Code) whilst protecting and safeguarding personal and sensitive data.
Police Assured Landing Zone (PALZ) Amazon Web Services (AWS) Blueprint
The AWS Police Assured Landing Zone (PALZ), is a set of configuration, code, security model and design decision rationale artefacts created specifically for policing workloads. The goal is to enable policing organisations to get started using cloud services more quickly, with confidence that they are implementing an assured set of baseline controls, reviewed by National Police Technology Council (NPTC), Police Digital Service (PDS) and National Police Information Risk Management Team (NPIRMT). These control documents are available in the PALZ documentation set. This will allow them to focus their efforts on activities and assurances unique to their workloads.
PALZ provides a landing zone with a multi-account structure aligned with AWS best practice including standardised AWS account and organisational unit (OU) structure, best-practice centralised networking and additional preventative and detective guardrails. It also provides a series of AWS Service Catalogue portfolios and products, which provide a self-service capability that greatly simplifies tasks such as the provisioning of new AWS accounts and the creation of private networks within an AWS account. Finally, PALZ integrates with a number of AWS security services to provide dashboards and alerts which support ongoing compliance monitoring, plus alignment to NEP designs for IAM and NMC.
PALZ has been through the NPTC “Security by Design” process. This process identifies key design decisions which are related to form a series of risks identified with common policing data. NPTC have used an independent third-party assessor to review the design decisions and generate the assurance documentation. This has been reviewed by the Police assuror, National Police Information Risk Management Team (NPIRMT), to approve the security controls and the solution design.
Note: This blueprint is marked OFFICIAL-SENSITIVE, for enquiries on access please contact the National Standards team who can put you in touch with the relevant team
Management of Police Information (MoPI) APP
This Authorised Professional Practice (APP) provides guidance to forces on meeting the requirements of the Management of Police Information (MoPI) Code of Practice in relation to the review, retention and disposal of policing information and records. This APP is supplemented by the Manual of Guidance, which provides a further level of operational data.
Police information refers to all information obtained, recorded or processed for a policing purpose. The Management of Police Information (MoPI) authorised professional practice (APP) provides a framework and guidelines for managing police information, complying with the law and managing risk associated with police information including data retention.
- Policing information is information held for a policing purpose. The MoPI Code of Practice definition of ‘policing purpose’ is:
- protecting life and property
- preserving order
- preventing the commission of offences
- bringing offenders to justice
- any duty or responsibility of the police arising from common or statute law
- Corporate information includes other organisational information, such as HR or finance records, minutes of meetings, policies and procedures.
There is further information on compliance with the Freedom of Information Act.
It should also be noted that the retention periods for biometric data are governed by the Protection of Freedoms Act 2012 and sit outside this APP.
Showing 191 to 200 of 231 entries.