
CPA Security Characteristic Software Full Disk Encryption (Version 1.24)

CPA Security Characteristic Software Full Disk Encryption (Version 1.24)

CPA Security Characteristic Software Full Disk Encryption (Version 1.24)

Status: Live
Published: 01/01/2016
Security level: Official
Amended / Internally developed: No
Live on platform: 23/06/21
Retired on platform:
Target Audience: Technical / General
Authoring body: CESG National Technical Authority for Information Assurance
Grading: no grading applied

This document has been reviewed by the National Standards Assurance Board in May 2021 and is still deemed relevant with sound principles, despite being dated in some areas. Users should also be aware of the NEP Windows Blueprints.


This document describes the features, testing and deployment requirements necessary to meet CPA certification for Software Full Disk Encryption security products. It is intended for vendors, system architects, developers, evaluation and technical staff operating within the security arena.

The purpose of a software disk encryption product is to protect the confidentiality of data. This document aims to describe the requirements for Software Full Disk Encryption products and obtaining Commercial Product Assurance (CPA) certification under the CPA scheme.

A typical use case is the protection of a mobile device such as a laptop in case of accidental loss or theft.

The Security Characteristic is primarily targeted towards a single user for each protected devices only applicable to software disk encryption products that operate on PCs with Extensible Firmware Interface (UEFI) or  Basic Input/Output System (BIOS). Multiple users can also be evaluated.

Intended readers are for developers, system, architects, vendors and technical staff. The disk encryption software will prevent an attacker from accessing the data.

Category: Devices Security