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Retrieval of Video Evidence and production of working copies from digital CCTV Systems (Version 2.0)

Digital CCTV installations vary greatly in terms of the recording methods as a result of varying solutions with different capabilities and functionality which are used to capture picture and video evidence with export facilities provided.

This document provides guidance on the retrieval of video from any digital CCTV system in its native file format and the methods for the production of working copies in non-native file formats, where this is necessary to facilitate further processing or replay in court.

The document contains a flowchart to help the user select the most appropriate retrieval method to use for any given CCTV system. Explanatory notes are also provided for each option and guidance

given for assessing the practicality and suitability of each technique to ensure that the right retrieval method is selected to uphold evidential integrity.

The guidance also covers the production of working copies, specifically where this involves a conversion between video formats.

Options have also been presented for final storage of the working copy. Information is given as to the suitability of each conversion technique and storage medium, so that appropriate choices can be made to best minimise the potential degradation in image quality.

A checklist of actions is provided when retrieving data to ensure that all relevant information is captured and evidential integrity is maintained.

Published 01/01/2008
Authoring body: Defence Science and Technology Laboratory
Extraction of material from digital devices APP

This document sets out the obligations on the police under the Data Protection Act 2018 and how these interact with other relevant legislation and case law. It provides police officers and staff with a set of principles to inform how they obtain digital devices – most often mobile phones but also laptops and other computers – from victims, witnesses and suspects for the purpose of an investigation and how they then extract the digital material from those devices. It will also help the public understand the responsibilities of the police when gathering evidence, obtaining devices and accessing the material held on them.

Published 01/05/2021
Authoring body: College of Policing (CoP)
NPCC Digital Imaging and Multimedia Procedure (Version 3)

This document covers digital multimedia, inclusive of picture, video and audio in the proper capture and handling of digital data for police applications. This represents best practice to benefit the Police Service and Criminal Justice System (CJS).

Following the process set out within this document helps enhance the integrity of proper evidential gathering processes whilst reducing the risk of malicious manipulation. 


Published 01/01/2020
Authoring body: National Police Chiefs Council (NPCC)
ACPO Good Practice Guide for Digital Evidence (Version 5)

This ACPO guide contains a set of golden principles for management of digital evidence and guidance on each stage in the evidence lifecycle: Plan, Capture, Analyse and Present. This guide represents good practice across a broad digital forensic landscape for policing.

Although dated, this guide has been reviewed in March 2021 by the National Standards Assurance Board and deemed current and relevant.

Published 01/03/2012
Authoring body: Association of Chief Police Officers (ACPO)