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End User Device (EUD) Security Guidance 2

Guidance for organisations deploying a range of end user device platforms as part of a remote working solution.

Modern smartphones, laptops and tablets provide users with great flexibility and functionality, and include security technologies to help protect information and as such this security guidance document is general to all end user devices (EUD) and their deployments to help harness its security capabilities without hindering its functioning ability by ensuring device configuration are set up correctly.

This guidance is to help optimise security functions, allow for greater user responsibility to reduce security complexity, maintaining user experience, logging and audit information and enable greater interoperability of IT systems.

Published 01/01/2018
Authoring body: National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC)
Intelligence Management APP

Intelligence is information collected and gathered for the purpose of taking action. This process is continuous and critical to effective policing operations that allow for tactical options and prioritisation. Such intelligence can sometimes be classified as confidential or sensitive.

A Code of Practice has been issued by the secretary of state to develop a national intelligence model (NIM), which sets out principles and standards for chief officer and police and crime commissioners to adhere. Ensures the results of the standards are systematic for continuous progress and also helps promote compatibility of procedures and terminology for the (NIM) as well as monitor and evaluate the promulgation of good practice.

The code of the practice came into effect in January 2005.

Published 28/05/2019
Authoring body: College of Policing (CoP)
Setup Government Email Services Securely

All public services sending emails out on behalf of government organisations must follow all protocols, processes and guidelines to ensure that they secure their email service. This includes:

  • the service providing users with mailbox access

  • internal relays and gateways

  • email filtering services

  • third party services that send email on your behalf, like transactional email services

Key configurations are needed to ensure you email services run smoothly:

  • Transport Layer Security (TLS)

  • DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM)

  • Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting & Conformance (DMARC)

  • Public Domain Name System (DNS)

  • Ability to make administrative changes


If there are any changes made to your email security, ensure that you communicate such changes to all staff in your organisation.

Published 01/01/2020
Authoring body: Government Digital Services (GDS)
Securing Government Email

This guidance applies to all email domains that public sector organisations run on the internet. It also helps ensures that public sector organisations exchanges email securely with other public sector organisations. Protecting emails in transit makes it difficult for domains to be spoofed.

All public sector emails must be kept secure by:

Encryption and authentication only work if both the sender and the recipient use them.

The Government Digital Service recommends protecting email by:

  • forcing TLS when sending to

  • forcing TLS when sending to any other domains that supports it if the local risk profile requires it

  • using extra encryption services if needs be

Published 01/01/2019
Authoring body: Government Digital Service (GDS)
DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM)

DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM) verifies an email’s domain and ensures it has not been tampered with in transit. The receiving email service can then filter or reject email that fails the DKIM check. In order for DKIM to verify an emails domain it uses public key encryption to check email by creating a hash using the content of each outbound email. The sending service then encrypts the hash with its private key and adds it to the email header. This is the DKIM signature.

The receiving email service looks up the public key in the sender’s DKIM DNS (DOMAIN NAME SYSTEM) record then uses the public key to decrypt the DKIM signature on the email. It also generates a hash of the email in the same way the sending email service did. If the hash matches the decrypted DKIM signature then the email passes the DKIM check. This means the email came from where it says it came from and has not changed in transit.

Published 01/01/2016
Authoring body: Government Digital Service (GDS)
Criminal Justice System: Data Standards Forum Guidance

An agreed and designed common data standards are used by the Criminal Justice System, ICT suppliers to support ICT communications between systems used by Criminal Justice Organisations (CJO) to support CJS operations. They are also used with open data standards as defined in the government’s Open Standards Principles. These common standards are also used to support data analytics, bidding for CJS contracts etc.

The selection of the CJS data standards is made by the CJS Data Standards Forum. This is a technical forum which has representatives from the principal CJOs.

There is a Data Standard Catalogue used to support the exchange of criminal justice information between different CJOs.

There are three different types of data standard reflected in the catalogued:

  • formatting standards

  • organisational structure standards

  • reference data standard

The Data Standard catalogue is constantly reviewed by the Data Standards Forum to ensure a set of standards is produced that is as small as possible while still being fit for purpose. 


Published 17/12/2020
Authoring body: Ministry of Justice (MOJ)
End User Device (EUD) Security Principles (Version 1.0)

The End User Device (EUD) Security Principles sets out 12 core guidance principles that underpin the safety and security of using devices that serve the purpose of working remotely. The twelve principles are as follows: 

1. Data-in-transit Protection: Data should be protected as it transits from the EUD to any services the EUD uses. 

2. Data-at-rest Protection: Data stored on the device should be satisfactorily encrypted when the device is in its “rest” state. 

3. Authentication:

- User to device: the user is only granted access to the device after successfully authenticating to the device.

- User to service: The user is only able to access enterprise services after successfully authenticating to the service, via their device.

- Device to service: Only devices which can authenticate to the enterprise are granted access.

4. Secure Boot: An unauthorised entity should not be able to modify the boot process of a device, and any attempt to do so should be detected.

5. Platform Integrity and Application Sandboxing: The device can continue to operate securely despite potential compromise of an application or component within the platform, 

6. Application allow Listing: The enterprise can define which applications are able to execute on the device, and these policies are robustly enforced on the device.

7. Malicious code detection and prevention: The device can detect, isolate and defeat malicious code which is present on the device.

8. Security policy enforcement: Security policies set by your organisation are robustly implemented across the platform.

9. External interface protection: The device is able to constrain the set of ports (physical and logical) and services exposed to untrusted networks and devices. 

10. Device Update Policy: You are able to issue security updates and can remotely validate the patch level of your entire device estate.

11. Event Collection for Enterprise Analysis: The device reports security-critical events to your audit and monitoring service. 

12. Incident Response: Your organisation has a plan in place to respond to and understand the impact of security incidents.

All of these principles must be considered when securing and deploying devices.

Published 01/01/2019
Authoring body: National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC)
End User Device (EUD) Security Guidance

The End User Device (EUD) Security Principles sets out 12 core guidance principles that underpin the safety and security of using devices that serve the purpose of working remotely. The twelve principles are as follows:

  1. Data-in-transit Protection

  2. Data-at-rest Protection

  3. Authentication

  4. Secure Boot

  5. Platform Integrity and Application Sandboxing

  6. Application allow Listing

  7. Malicious Code Detection and Prevention

  8. Security policy Enforcement

  9. External Interface Protection

  10. Device Update Policy

  11. Event Collection for Enterprise Analysis

  12. Incident Response

All of these principles must be considered when securing and deploying devices.


Published 01/01/2019
Authoring body: National Cyber security Centre (NCSC)
Auditing Principles - Directive 2006/43/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council

Statutory auditors should adhere to the highest ethical standards and should be subject to professional ethics. This Directive aims at high-level to bring about harmonisation of statutory audit requirements as a result of lack of a harmonised approach to statutory auditing in the Community. This was the reason why the Commission proposed, in its 1998 Communication on the statutory audit in the European Union that a creation of a Committee on Auditing which could develop further action in close cooperation with the accounting profession and Member States be established.

The output/recommendation from the committee setup was a Recommendation was a set of Fundamental auditing Principles. The statutory audit requires adequate knowledge of matters such as company law, fiscal law and social law for Audit qualifications obtained by statutory auditors. In order to protect third parties, all approved auditors and audit firms should be entered in a register which is accessible to the public and which contains basic information concerning statutory auditors and audit firms. 

It is important to note that good audit quality contributes to the orderly functioning of markets by enhancing the integrity and efficiency of financial statements. 

Published 01/01/2006
Authoring body: European Parliament
Retrieval of Video Evidence and production of working copies from digital CCTV Systems (Version 2.0)

Digital CCTV installations vary greatly in terms of the recording methods as a result of varying solutions with different capabilities and functionality which are used to capture picture and video evidence with export facilities provided.

This document provides guidance on the retrieval of video from any digital CCTV system in its native file format and the methods for the production of working copies in non-native file formats, where this is necessary to facilitate further processing or replay in court.

The document contains a flowchart to help the user select the most appropriate retrieval method to use for any given CCTV system. Explanatory notes are also provided for each option and guidance

given for assessing the practicality and suitability of each technique to ensure that the right retrieval method is selected to uphold evidential integrity.

The guidance also covers the production of working copies, specifically where this involves a conversion between video formats.

Options have also been presented for final storage of the working copy. Information is given as to the suitability of each conversion technique and storage medium, so that appropriate choices can be made to best minimise the potential degradation in image quality.

A checklist of actions is provided when retrieving data to ensure that all relevant information is captured and evidential integrity is maintained.

Published 01/01/2008
Authoring body: Defence Science and Technology Laboratory