
Cyber Security: Risk management

Cyber Security: Risk management

Cyber Security: Risk management

Status: Live
Published: 11/05/2021
Security level: Official
Amended / Internally developed: No
Live on platform: 23/09/21
Retired on platform:
Target Audience: Technical / General, Business / Risk
Authoring body: National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC)
Grading: no grading applied

Step 1 from the 10 steps to Cyber Security covers the approach to risk management.

Taking risks is a natural part of doing business. Risk management informs decisions so that the right balance of threats and opportunities can be achieved to best deliver your business objectives. Risk management in the cyber security domain helps ensure that the technology, systems and information in your organisation are protected in the most appropriate way, and that resources are focussed on the things that matter most to your business. A good risk management approach will be embedded throughout your organisation and complement the way you manage other business risks.

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Risk Management.pdf

Category: Security