
ISO 15489:2016 Data Records Management

ISO 15489:2016 Data Records Management

ISO 15489:2016 Data Records Management

Status: Live
Published: 01/04/2016
Security level: Official
Amended / Internally developed: No
Live on platform: 23/09/21
Retired on platform:
Target Audience: Technical / General, Business / General
Authoring body: International Standards Organisation (ISO)
Grading: no grading applied

ISO 15489 provides a framework for implementing records management systems - the lifecycle of records from creation through to disposal. Police forces can use this to inform internal records management systems such as the use of Share Point or use as an assessment when considering suppliers of systems, this could include case management.

This document was reviewed by the National Standards Assurance Board in July 2021 and still deemed current and of value to policing

[Added September 2021]

Category: Incident, Crime and Records Management