
Robotic Process Automation Cyber Security Guidance

Robotic Process Automation Cyber Security Guidance

Robotic Process Automation Cyber Security Guidance

Status: Live
Published: 01/07/2023
Security level: Official
Amended / Internally developed: No
Live on platform: 19/09/23
Retired on platform:
Target Audience: Business / Risk
Authoring body: The Police Digital Service

This guidance describes best practice cyber risk management controls for using Robotic Process Automation (RPA) 
for the purpose of automating manual administrative overheads for National Policing Forces and 
applications. This document only provides guidelines to automating manual processes and is not intended for machine 
learning (ML) or artificial intelligence (AI) derived solutions. Please refer to separate guidelines and standards 
for Digital Process Automation (DPA), AI and ML related activities.

Category: Security