
Third Party Assurance for Policing (TPAP)

Third Party Assurance for Policing (TPAP)

Third Party Assurance for Policing (TPAP)

Status: Retired
Published: 25/05/2023
Security level: Official
Amended / Internally developed: No
Live on platform: 03/07/23
Retired on platform: 01/08/24
Target Audience:
Authoring body: The Police Digital Service (PDS)

This Standard is to ensure that all third party suppliers are examined to fully understand their overall security posture and how that may impact upon Policing, ensure they fully understand the responsibilities they have in looking after policing data, that elements such as the importance of vetting and the cyber security of their systems is understood and they are aware of the requirements when handling and communicating that data.

Download attachments:

TPAP Standard v1.0.pdf

Category: Security