Groups and user roles

What is the Knowledge Hub?

The Knowledge Hub (our site) has been created for policing and its public and private sector partners, to help you share information, discuss ideas and opportunities and encourage greater collaboration.

If you work in or with local or national policing, the Knowledge Hub will help you make the right connections. Registration is free but membership requests will be subject to approval.

Our site contains a wealth of useful content that has been contributed by a number of National Policing ‘Groups’ and ‘Networks’ to ultimately help all of our Guests (sometimes referred to as Users or Members), Group Members and Network Members enhance their knowledge and share best practice.


Roles Defined


Anybody who uses the Knowledge Hub in any way is known as a Guest. A Guest can also be referred to as a User or Member of our site.

NOTE: User profiles may contain references to ‘Power User’. Every registered Member of the Knowledge Hub is classed as a Power User.


What is a ‘Group’ on the Knowledge Hub?

A Group is an aggregation of Guests who interact and collaborate around shared interests. Members of a Group on the Knowledge Hub can post (and comment on) discussions and events, give advice, share knowledge and, if appropriate, upload content via a dedicated Group page. A Group can also be referred to as a Space.

The Knowledge Hub offers three types of Groups as follows:

  • Open – all registered Members of the Knowledge Hub may (and can) join the Group;
  • Restricted – only Members approved by the Group Administrator(s) may join; and
  • Private – only those invited by the Group Administrator(s) may join. The Group and its content are not visible or accessible to anyone else using the Knowledge Hub.

All Members of the Knowledge Hub by default will be able to access Open Groups (whether policing, supplier(s), or other Law Enforcement or Emergency Services agencies) and browse and contribute to the content.

A Restricted Group will be visible in the ‘All Groups’ section of our site (such as one that would be listed in a phone book), however, Members must apply to become a Member of the Group.

NOTE: Guests of our site will initially see what is referred to as a Group landing page, containing public group information and a link to request to join the Group.

Group Facilitator(s) of Restricted Groups are responsible for deciding whether membership requests are appropriate. The Police Digital Service company also offers support in facilitating Restricted Groups where required.

Private Groups have a higher level of privacy than Restricted Groups – Members of the Knowledge Hub will not even know a Private Group exists unless they are invited to join by its Group Facilitator(s).


Group Facilitators

If an individual (or a team of individuals) is assigned to the role of Group Facilitator, they have elevated privileges, capabilities and permissions over Group Members to proactively support their Group. A Group Facilitator can also be referred to as a Group Owner or Group Administrator.

Key responsibilities include:

  • Managing access and User rights for the allocated Group (ensuring Group Members can only access content and information relevant to them);
  • Ensuring only relevant people are invited to the Group;
  • Actively reviewing and tracking Group Membership (e.g. checking Members are in the correct Group to certify content and information is protected where possible);
  • Actively monitoring site usage and Group Activity regularly (to encourage inactive Members to log in to their account and ensure it is up-to-date);
  • Uploading content and information to the Group Library as and when required;
  • Regularly reviewing content and information stored on the Group Library to ensure it is relevant and up-to-date;
  • Circulating messages to all Group Members as and when required;
  • Adding (and editing / deleting) Group announcements, events and polls on the home page as and when required;
  • Moderating posts on the Group from other Group Members (e.g. on Group forums, events, blogs, library etc.) ensuring they are in line with our site’s Acceptable Use Policy;
  • Managing (and editing) the Group home page (and description) as and when required, ensuring content and information is correct and up-to-date;
  • Running available reports containing information on Group(s) and Group Members as and when required;
  • Logging and resolving account-related issues reported by Group Members (e.g. forgotten passwords) in a timely manner; and
  • Logging and reporting site-related issues and incidents to the System Admin (this includes reporting inappropriate behaviours experienced from Group Members).


Group Members

Anybody who joins (or is enrolled on to) a Group on our site, will automatically become a Group Member.


What is a ‘Network’ on the Knowledge Hub?

A Network is a collection of Groups managed by an organisation, and accessible via a dedicated network home page that provides content, news, messages and announcements relevant to its Network Members.


Network Members

Members can only be part of a Network on the Knowledge Hub if they are a Member of at least one Group within a Network.


Network Administrators

If an individual (or a team of individuals) is assigned to the role of Network Administrator (Admin) – they get additional administrative functions over Network Members to successfully support their Network. A Network Admin can also be referred to as a Network Facilitator.

Key duties include:

  • Creating and adding required Groups within the allocated Network;
  • Circulating messages to all Network Members as and when required;
  • Adding (and editing or deleting) Network announcements on the home page as and when required;
  • Managing the Network information page and ensuring content and information is correct and up-to-date;
  • Editing the Network home page (and description) as and when required;
  • Managing email domains and individual Users for access to Groups on the Network;
  • Running available reports containing information on Network Group(s) and Network Members as and when required; and
  • Logging and reporting site-related issues and incidents to the System Admin (this includes reporting inappropriate behaviours experienced from Network Members).


System Administrators

If an individual (or a team of individuals) is assigned to the role of System Administrator (Admin) – they fundamentally get access to everything on our site. If authorised to do so, System Admins have the ability to access all registered Users’ profiles in order to resolve issues and make any required changes. 

Key duties include:

  • Setting up and maintaining the Knowledge Hub (e.g. identifying site requirements and monitoring performance);
  • Creating required Networks and Groups;
  • Allocating individuals to Network Administrator and Group Administrator roles;
  • Monitoring (and updating) the site whitelist of email domains;
  • Reviewing (and approving) site registration requests from non-whitelisted email accounts;
  • Supporting all registered Members (e.g. logging and solving account related issues and providing guidance where Network and Group Administrators do not have the required tools and functions to);
  • Uploading standard and new site content and material (when required) and ensuring it is correct and up-to-date;
  • Reporting technical issues and required changes to the supplier or other relevant Third Party;
  • Testing and evaluating site enhancements; and
  • Notifying all registered Members of significant information

NOTE: Only particular members of the Knowledge Hub team are authorised to be System Admins.


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