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This guidance describes best practice risk management controls for accessing Policing ICT resources whilst abroad. It also describes the circumstances when forces can make a local decision or when referral to NSIRO is required when use abroad is required.

Published 02/04/2023
Authoring body: Police Digital Service
System Access Standard

This standard defines the requirements which, when applied, will prevent unauthorised access to national policing IT systems. Areas considered include account management, access control mechanisms e.g. biometrics and customer access.

This standard adheres to the National Policing Community Security Policy Framework and is a suitable reference for community members, notably those who build and implement IT systems on behalf of national policing.

This standard also relates to other PDS standards passwords and IAM, which the audience should also consider.

Published 02/04/2023
Authoring body: Police Digital Service
Password Standard v1 approved by NCPSB JAN 23

This standard supports the National Community System Policy System Access requirements with respect to defining requirements for the use and selection of a password / passphrase-based method of authentication. It should be read in conjunction with the System Access standard. Passwords represent only one method of authentication (something that you know) and should be combined with other methods such as something you have (token) or something you are (biometric). It is not always possible especially with legacy applications or services to utilise multi-factor authentication, and this is where this standard can help to ensure that risks are effectively managed. A strong passphrase / password will help to ensure lawful business access to applications, mobile devices, systems and networks when combined with an agreed access control policy and supported by an Identity and Access Management (IAM) system. Undertaking a business impact assessment (BIA) is important to determine specific information security requirements to support proportionate risk management. This Standard is aligned with the NCSC’s password guidance.

Published 26/01/2023
Authoring body: Police Digital Service
Digital Evidence Storage v3.0

This is intended as a high-level overview of the requirements for digital evidence storage in a multimedia context. Ratings follow the MoSCoW system of Must, Should, Could and Won’t. The requirements are split into two sections, File Handling and Functionality. Systems must be compliant with the principles in the DSTL NPCC Digital Imaging and Multimedia Procedure v3.0 and Recovery and Acquisition of Video Evidence v3.0 and adhere to the Forensic Science Regulator Act 2021 and Statutory Code.

Published 06/12/2022
Authoring body: NPCC
NPCC framework for use of video evidence v3.0

This document is relevant to all police non-specialist front-line staff and forensic unitsi who utilise video evidence and to bring clarity around activities relating to recovery, acquisition, viewing and processing of CCTV. It outlines those activities that must be undertaken by Police Forces and accredited laboratories in line with the Forensic Science Regulator Act 2021 and Statutory Code. The following charts stipulate what level of training is required and whether force procedures must be in place to carry out Forensic Science Activities (FSAs) and mitigate the risks highlighted by the risk matrix where activities may be excluded from accreditation. This document has been created to support the recommendations of the NPCC CCTV Working Group and Specialist Capability Network and supersedes the now defunct Annex A and B CCTV Scope for Accreditation document, which was previously circulated by the NPCC as a supplement to the first Forensic Regulators FSR-C-119 Code of Practice and Conduct, now replaced by the Statutory Code and FSA Digital Forensics - Video Analysis, and FSA Basic Recovery and Acquisition of Images.

Published 06/12/2022
Authoring body: NPCC